Saturday, October 12, 2013

Running thought: Be nice.

Mai believes everyone is very similar. We all have our wants, needs, and desires, and are driven to unite in fear or love. It is quite remarkable what the human race can accomplish in the masses. From building a community from the ground to blasting its existence from the face of the Earth--we humans can do anything if we put our minds to it. Perhaps this is why it hurts to see when people choose to destroy rather than create.

Imagine a world where people love their neighbors as themselves, regardless of race, background, or differences. "But who are these neighbors," you might ask. Well mate, these neighbors are not excluded to only your fellow church members who are in the same income bracket and networking community as you. These neighbors also include that smelly homeless person by the corner you pass by everyday begging for changes. They include that obnoxious woman trying to steal your husband. They are your family, friends, strangers, and enemies. They include everyone everywhere at all times. This is the part that people don't understand. Nay, refuses to accept because it's not convenient.

Mai would like to believe that everyone wants to be good. At least in our minds. We all want to cast ourselves as the hero or heroine of our stories. Heck, we are our own narrators are we not? And the reason why we want to justify our actions regardless of what they are as good, is because we want to be liked and accepted by the people we care whether or not that only includes the person in the mirror, at least in our own minds, right? And if that means conveniently disregarding those who cannot serve us or serve us well enough to our liking not as fellow neighbors and sometimes not even human, so be it. We are busy with limited resources and time, and as long as we only love those who matter to us, that's good enough. Who cares about homeless people? Who cares about starving children? Who cares about the suffering? I have a safe place to rest, my kids are taken care of, and I have worked hard to preserve my happiness, why should I give a damn about anyone else's suffering? It's a dog eat dog world out there and it's mine for the taking.  

Believe it or not, the world can be a better place if people just care. Nobody will give anyone a standing ovation for committing a random nice act or building a community where he or she cannot reap a direct benefit from, but the world is seamlessly connected and in time all good deeds boomerang.

Articles Mai likes about being nice:

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