Saturday, October 26, 2013

D.C. Running Tour

Whoever said being out of town means rescheduling your long runs? I went to visit a friend for her 25th birthday in D.C. and decided to turn my long run into a running tour of D.C.'s monuments. I googled a few routes to make sure it would be scenic and long enough and then mapped out my run (I printed a copy of it to pocket in case I get lost). I took my Iphone with me and took the following pictures from my run. I did about 22-23 miles before noon so I could get ready in time for a birthday brunch. It was a bit chilly, but absolutely perfect for running. Even after fumbling with my watch and Iphone for a bit, I was still able to capture a few good sunrise shots. Should you be interested in the route I took, I would be happy to share it in details. As you can see, I was able to see quite a number of monuments on this run.

D.C. Court of Appeals Historic Building. Still so early and so cold. What was I thinking?

Random and beautiful historic building seen on my running tour.

General Sherman's statue

If only I knew the Navy & Air Force Marathon was taking place, I would have signed up since they started running around the same time I started my running tour. They went by most of the same monuments I did too, except since I was doing 22-23 miles, and not 13.1 miles, I saw a bit more than they did. 

The Washington Monument

The White House

Eisenhower Executive Office Building. Got yelled at by a guard here after I ran around in circles because my Garmin was acting up.

Sunrise over Constitution Gardens. If you're in need of a restroom break, there is a somewhat sketchy rest stop by here.

Vietnam Veterans Memorial.

Lincoln Memorial side of Reflecting Pool. Look at that beautiful sunrise over the Washington Monument.

Lincoln Memorial

Ran up the stairs to pay my respects and pray for world peace.

About to cross the Memorial Bridge. Here are some straddlers from the Navy & Air Force Half Marathon.

The Pentagon. Almost impossible to get a good picture from where I was running.

Arlington National Cemetery

Thomas Jefferson Memorial

Possibly the most beautiful set of sentences ever composed. 

Saw the Smithsonian Castle about 6+ times after circling around the National Mall to get my miles in. 

Finished my long running tour at the Capitol after circling around the National Mall to clock in 22-23 miles. I got the worst tan line. Having done most of my long runs around Central Park, I never really have to worry much about too much sun exposure. With the height restriction in D.C., a sunny day meant...well an ACTUAL sunny day.

My friend lives around the Chinatown area so I was able to run through the Chinatown gate.

My friend wanted to visit the Textile Museum for their Asian collection on Thai and Laotian textiles.

The Metro is so much more efficient and cleaner than the subway, but I wouldn't trade NYC's 24 hour transit system for anything else. Yes, not even cleaner air.

My cousin and his beautiful wife hosted my friend and I for a home-cooked dinner.

Isn't this the greatest sight in the world! Look at all those yummy peach slices ready for tasting at the Eastern Market! I was supposed to end my run here after reaching the Capitol and then cooling down to Union Station, but since I was only about 15 miles in when I reached the Capitol again, I decided to circle around the National Mall where I clocked 22-23 miles. My friend and I came here the following day for breakfast options

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