Saturday, October 26, 2013

Belated Birthday Post: 25 Miles for 25 Years

I turned a quarter of a century in September. To celebrate, I ran 25 miles with my friends. My new running buddy I met on the ING NYC Marathon Long Training Run ran the first 13 miles with me in the early morning. We did two big outer loops and a mile at Central Park. My other friends then ran the remaining 12 miles with me. Since they are not runners nor running enthusiasts, we decided to do 3 rounds of the medium 4 mile loop at Central Park. After each small loop, we would refuel on my homemade pasta and hydrate with wine. By the last 4 miles, everything was sloshing inside and felt pretty uncomfortable. I did my 25 miles tho and a bit more just for luck.

Love my Asics running skort.

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